Funding for creative and cultural organisations

Funding for cultural organisations

20 hours. E-certificate

Topics:    Company growth and funding in the SEED phase   Individual financing (business angels and other sources) Internal borrowing and loans   European sources in the financial period 2021-2027 Application and management of a creative project financed by EU funds  Crowdfunding – mass financing


  •   Company growth and funding in the SEED phase
  •   Individual financing (business angels and other sources)
  •   Internal borrowing and loans
  •   European sources in the financial period 2021-2027
  •   Application and management of a creative project financed by EU funds
  •   Crowdfunding – mass financing

Study materials are available with each lesson


The aim of the course is to strengthen the capacity of people employed in the creative and cultural industries in the area of entrepreneurial skills.


Dina Vasić, Ph.D.
Dina is a regular senior lecturer at the Department of Finance and Accounting of the Zagreb School of Economics and Management. He teaches and coordinates basic courses at the undergraduate level, Corporate Finance and Personal Finance. In the Recreate project, Dina leads lessons in both first modules through which you will learn the most important economic and financial concepts.

Kristina Androlić
Kristina has a master’s degree in economics and, in addition to advising companies on EU funds, regularly conducts training in the areas of preparation and implementation of EU funds, business planning, business optimization and crisis management. Kristina guides us through the world of EU funds in Module 2: Funding sources.

Branimir Radaković
Branimir is a crowdfunding expert active in the Brodoto association and dedicated to helping organizations and companies generate social and environmental impact to make the world a better place.
You can meet Branimir at Module 2: Funding sources: Crowdfunding I-VIII

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This project has been possible greatly in part thanks to European Union funds, obtained by the partnership within the framework of the Erasmus+ program. Find out more about this amazing program by clicking below.

Disclaimer: The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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  • 17 Lecciones
  • Curso Certificate