(Free) Empowherment Lab English

EmpowHERment Lab 

It´s empowHERment time!

Co-funded by Erasmus+ project EmpowHERment Lab is, first and foremost a tool to help YOU achieve your professional goals, but at the same time we are so much more! Click play on our video and find out more about the people behind the initiative.

Course Description

EmpowHERment Lab is a co-funded by Erasmus+ project which aims to help provide a digital toolkit for women across Europe to help develop and/or upskill their digital competencies in order to impact/establish their professional profiles, understanding of the responsibilities and obligations of having an online presence, and thusly ensure more access to information, knowledge, and opportunities.

Whether it is establishing your digital footprint for the first time, or learning what digital marketing and personal brand are all about, the reality is that digital skills matter!

If accessing better job opportunities or enterpreneurship is on your horizon, Then the EmpowHERment course is your first (and second) step in the right direction.

Access our course in your preferred language:

Teachers: Our Methodological Guide is now available for download!

If you want to learn more in the innerworkings of the EmpowHERment Lab project course, its design and methodology, download our guide here!

The first thing to understand is the motivation behind The EMPOWHERMENT LAB project. Our partnership wants to make a concrete contribution by using its experience in adult education and training to offer an innovative proposal with a European dimension. We want to offer new and stimulating training opportunities to women with few qualifications so that in 2025, when trying to carry out a task, they will not encounter a barrier due to the lack of digital skills and so that they can have the possibility of reinventing themselves and creating a new professional profile. Aso, teachers, and educators working in adult education (the second target group) need to improve and acquire new skills to adapt to the imminent digital transformation of education.

Empowerment through digital competencies: 

Developed by our Netherlands partner, Lava Legato. In this module, you will find the answers to your initial doubts regarding the start of your digital journey. As well, we will help you identify the roots of your true motivations and, even find new ones you may have not known were there! 

Fundamentals of building your digital footprint and personal brand: 
Brought to you by our Spanish and Croatian partners (POUC and Asoaciación Building Bridges), here you will find a starter guide to get you from A to Z in establishing an objective digital footprint built to serve your needs and goals. If Personal Branding is what may be most daunting to you, you will find some VERY useful tools and tips in this module!

Marketing is the way to go for many of your goals as what is not visible will simply not be seen. Here, our German partners help to take you through the concepts of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) in order to arm you with tools and knowledge to help you excel! 

Content Marketing: 
From knowing what it is, to developing your own content marketing strategy, our Slovenian partners have developed a full guide. Whether it is aimed at establishing your own business or, simply letting employers really see what you´re about, this module will help you make your content pop!

Online Marketing: 
Ready to take it a step further? Then get ready to really dive into real-world notions and applications behind the concept of Online Marketing and what it really entails, as developed by our Italian partners



Head of Office. Experienced Consultant and Trainer with a demonstrated history of working in the services He developed as a trainer and quality agent for the Sirius Satellite Radio and NikonUSA. He worked in health communication for the health department of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in Geneva. He joins the YesEuropa team in 2019, where he currently works as Head of Office.

Who is this course for?

While the course was designed for women at risk of exclusion, the reality is that ANYONE who is interested in developing their notions and knowledge of DIGITAL MARKETING can take this course! 

Do I need any prior experience or knowledge to enroll in the course?

Not at all! we have developed the course in such a way that when it is done in order, you will go from the building blocks of DIGITAL FOOTPRINT all the way through content and digital marketing. 

Is the course self-paced or are there specific start and end dates?

You are entirely free to go at your pace. No time limits and no time frames. 

Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the course?

Yes! You will be able to get individual certification for each module, and an overall certification for completing the entire course! 

Can I access the course materials after the course has ended?

Yes! The course and all of its materials will be available well after you have finished the course itself. 

Can I enroll in the course if I am not a woman?

Yes, anyone and everyone can and SHOULD be in the know of all things digital! 

How much does the course cost?

The EmpowHERment Lab project and all of its contents are FREE thanks to the co-financing from the European Union. 

What kind of support is available during the course?

The open forums at the end of each module are a great place to get support from the developers of the course content and your peers! 

Can I interact with other participants in the course?

The open forums are there for you to be able to interact with the developers of the course and the community at large! 

Are there any assignments or assessments during the course?

Each module does contain practical exercises for you to do in your own time, these are, however, more for you to implement than for grading. The assignments do not need to be completed in order to gain certification. 

The partners

The EmpowHERment Lab partnership is comprised of  partners from Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Netherlands and Spain, all bringing different areas of expertise ranging from Personal Branding and Digital Marketing to Empowerment courses. 

1 Croatia
2 Spain
3 Slovenia
4 Germany
5 Italy
6 Netherlands


Public Open University Čakovec was founded in 1960. It is a public adult education institution and one of the leading adult education institutions in the Republic of Croatia and a member of the Croatian Association for the Education of Adults, seated in Zagreb. This lifelong learning centre has constantly evolved to meet the demands of our society. POU Čakovec remains a dynamic setting open to changes as well as social and economic influences dictating program structure and development. It welcomes everybody with a need for new knowledge and skills, and the numerous available experts ensure the best possible education. POU Čakovec is an andragogical institution for lifelong learning, and it provides knowledge and skills to all those who are interested in continuing their education. It offers programs of secondary school education, professional trainings of various kinds, agriculturist courses, computer science courses, language courses and takes part in many different programs financed by European Union. POU Čakovec follows the current trends and needs of the labour market and thus organizes the educational programs to fit its needs.



Building Bridges Cultural Association was founded in 2008 to promote a spirit and community integration
and to foster European culture awareness among the youth. Building Bridges is presented at local level
as a tool to assist and support the implementation of non formal education courses and improving
knowledge of European labour system practices. We organise courses, visits and meetings, European
events for public agencies on policies concerning youth , mobility, sports , local economic development ,
culture and cooperation with developing countries. We believe that transnational experience could offer
young people the opportunity to grow within a European dimension through their personal and
professional skills , so that they could become main actors of the European future.

Our aims are:
-To build bridges and promote the social construction of Europe
-To build bridges and promote intercultural dialogue and favour understanding of foreign cultures.
-Plan bridges using European projects to promote participation.
-Step on bridges to support any cultural, educative and/or artistic expression based on the previous



As an adult education institution, we have always been focused on the needs of adults in the context of current trends in the market. We support them by providing them with the best possible education which in return enables them to be more competitive and employable. Besides such formal programs, we also offer different activities for elderly people, from language and art workshops to IT workshops for beginners, which help prevent social exclusion and marginalization of the elderly. The skills they gain during these activities enable them to become active participants in their everyday lives, without the fear of social exclusion and marginalized living.

Temporarily, we are providing several courses for the elderly, financed mostly from the budget of the municipality of Lendava and one national project Basic skills and competences for older than 45 years (different courses, from ITC to languages).

Key persons in organization (providing projects from 2005 on):
1. Rahela Hojnik Kelenc is the managing director of Adult Education Center Lendava and has experience in project management, financing and coordinating different projects and educational programs for adults and other target groups, in particular with members of the Roma community. She is running the AEC Lendava since 2001. In that time gaining experience in managing the institution and coordinating the work in the field of adult education. She is not only the manager of AEC but also the teacher in many formal and non-formal programs. Until 2020 she coordinates or lead more than 25 national and international projects with different topics and also is in the organization always the key person for the delivery of intellectual outputs. She is also a consultant for quality of adult education on a national level and a member of the different associations for adult education in Slovenia (on a national level). She is dedicated to working with vulnerable groups, especially to Roma community.

2. Sonja Feher is a coordinator of adult education. She has wide experiences in project work and has so far coordinated various project co-financed by the ESF and IPA. She has been in charge of project management, organisation, preparation of reports and evaluation. She also possesses experience in working with different target groups, such as the Roma community, the unemployed, youth and the elderly. Her field od expertise includes implementing different workshops (job-finding skills, learning techniques).

3. Dragica Smej is the accounted in AEC Lendava and will perform administrative and financial tasks. She has several years of experience in the field mentioned. She has helped implement the following projects: preparation and recording of project implementation documentation (orders, accounts, travel orders, minutes, reports, contracts), organisation and coordination of meetings and events, collecting and arranging documentation for reports, recording tasks and results, filling forms etc.

4. Sven Sarjaš is expert in ITC and in organisation responsible for delivery of intellectual outputs in the field of ITC. Also he is gaining his experiences in work in different projects. Mainly he is responsible for coordination of work in different projects.
In 2012 we started to cooperate with the Roma academic club (RAC) and after that with Slovenian Roma Union. The aim of the RAC is to become a contemporary organisation which would provide a place and a chance for each academic, Roma or Non-Roma, to improve the situation of the Roma people in Slovenia.
The club specialises in the area of education and active participation of the Roma children in the educational system.

From this year on, we are working together on different projects, the last two where Romano čhon in 2015 and the counselling for adults in 2015. Last year we performed several workshops against discrimination of Roma ethnic minority on several secondary schools in region Pomurje and in summer we took 27 Roma children to Slovenian coast for 3 days (summer camp).
We are cooperate with different Roma organizations and Roma settlements in Pomurje region. Last 3 years we are providing the educational programmes in different Roma settlements (where we have possibilities), because on that way we can include in the various training programs more participants. Because of that, we also started to provide learning assistance for those Roma children, who are included in secondary education (vocational and tehnical). We are the co-authors of the informal education program named Special program for Roma ethnic minority and this program is mostly funded by the Institute for Employment. From 2016 we are providing several national and international project for Roma ethnic minority, also we were invited to spred the examples of developed good practice in the field of education in Croatia, we were hosted by National office for minority. We also cooperate with slovenian office for national minorities in the project SIFOR ROMA as external experts.



SuperCode is a young, agile and certified adult education institute for digital competences in Düsseldorf/NRW/Germany. 

To start their career as programmers and UX/UI designers, we train people for job-relevant coding and design skills in intensive courses (full-time/ part-time) and in career development for the IT sector. 

Our course participants are highly diverse and come from various backgrounds: young and older career changers, unemployed people or employees who want to keep up with the latest technologies. The participant are highly international, be it from different EU countries or with a refugee status. 

Furthermore, we actively promote women (e.g. with scholarships) to take part in our courses to increase the share of women in IT. 

Our master-trainers are certifiet for training. Furthermore, we carry out an internal training centre for junior trainers. To guarantee the best quality and support for the learners, our courses are always led by two trainers.



Enjoy Sicily is a cultural association born as an informal group of young people in 2006 and was established as a cultural association in 2016 given the number of projects carried out in the area and the strong participation of schools and young people from 19/30 to cultural and training initiatives that we have undertaken over the years. Our group is made up exclusively of volunteers who also make up the board of directors and we boast within ourselves psychologists of the developmental age, teachers, animators and experts in social media and marketing. We started our Erasmus adventure in 2017 by requesting accreditation for EVS as SO and subsequently as HO and we participated both as lead and as partner in several Ka2 projects of the Erasmus + program.We have also obtained hosting accreditation in the new Esc program and we await the outcome of the request as Lead. We have helped many young people to get to know the program and to enroll, we have helped the givoani that we have hosted, in the search for a job both in Italy and once they return home; for the number of activities organized in the area, we have been chosen by the Municipality of Messina as an association for the promotion and dissemination of the ERASMUS + and ESC opportunities by activating a desk at the municipal building of Messina, we have entered into an agreement that allows our volunteers or VETs to we receive, to carry out volunteering / training internships in various fields both in contact with children and with teenagers / adults, with fewer possibilities (department of the third sector) and in contact with tourists at the tourist information point and the museum of modern and contemporary art and with all citizenship at the municipal library (tourism and culture department). We have collaborated with other associations that have been working in the Erasmus + program for several years and with brand new associations that appear for the first time in this world. We have activated  think  tanks  to  identify  the  needs  of  young  people  in  a  city  that  boasts  the  sad  record  of  the unemployment rate of 35%. We have established stainless international collaborations for the exchange of good practices and for the voluntary service and methodologies. 



Lava Legato foundation, the Netherlands
Lava Legato was founded in 2001. Since then the organisation works on supporting international volunteers, both hosting in the Netherlands and sending abroad. Currently the foundation hosts 14 volunteers in different regions of the country. This group of volunteers is mainly supporting people with limitations. The foundation works with a large network of local partners so that young volunteers from abroad are facilitated to contribute to local, small-scale organizations and communities.

Besides, Lava Legato supports special education students by providing internships. The foundation initiates learning companies and social enterprises that offer internships where (less privileged) students can learn while doing. Lava Legato has started, run and eventually sold a fruit perserve company and an Italian restaurant where people with
limitations and special education students work to produce fruit preserve and help out with catering activities to run the restaurant.
Over the years Lava Legato has been involved in a variety of different European projects, such as Erasmus+ projects, both as partner for youth exchanges, volunteer projects and strategic partnership projects. The aim of participation in such projects is to always involve less privileged youth and adults, as participants or eventual users of materials that are developed.

Empowherment News!

The EmpowHERment Lab partnership is comprised of  partners from Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Netherlands and Spain, all bringing different areas of expertise ranging from Personal Branding and Digital Marketing to Empowerment courses. 

1 English
2 Italiano
3 Hrvatski
4 Deutsche
5 Nederlandse
6 Español
7 Slovenščina


Incontro Transnazionale – Čakovec, Croazia

Incontro Transnazionale – Dusseldorf, Germania

Lancio del bootcamp e terzo incontro transnazionale 

Incontro Transnazionale – Madrid, Spagna



Transnacionalni sastanak – Čakovec, Hrvatska

Transnacionalni sastanak – Dusseldorf, Njemačka

Početak bootcampa i treći transnacionalni sastanak

Transnacionalni sastanak – Madrid, Španjolska



Transnationales Treffen – Čakovec, Kroatien

Transnationales Treffen – Düsseldorf, Deutschland

Start des Bootcamps und des dritten transnationalen Treffens 

Transnationales Treffen – Madrid, Spanien



Transnationale bijeenkomst – Čakovec, Kroatië

Transnationale bijeenkomst – Düsseldorf, Duitsland

Lancering van de bootcamp en derde transnationale bijeenkomst

Transnationale bijeenkomst – Madrid, Spanje



Reunión Transnacional – Čakovec, Croacia

Encuentro Transnacional – Düsseldorf, Alemania

Encuentro transnacional y lanzamiento del bootcamp en Rotterdam, NL

Reunión Transnacional – Madrid, España 



Transnacionalno srečanje – Čakovec, Hrvaška

Transnacionalno srečanje – Dusseldorf, Nemčija

Zagon intenzivnega usposabljanja in tretje transnacionalno srečanje

Transnacionalno srečanje – Madrid,

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


This web-site is licensed to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.​

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  • 6 Lecciones
  • 7 Cuestionarios
  • Curso Certificate