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A project co-funded by the European Union and built with the success of the user in mind.

UMEU aims to support Ukrainian migrants by providing them with skills and competencies relevant to key industries in the local areas of our partner organizations. In collaboration with Asociación Building Bridges in Spain, we offer a series of courses tailored to train young adults and adults in the hospitality sector, which presents abundant job opportunities in Madrid, where our organization is based. Additionally, our partner organization Infinity Centrum in the Czech Republic will provide content focusing on agribusiness jobs, leveraging the local context to deliver valuable training.

Our courses and content are designed to familiarize users with sector-specific jargon and language, serving as pathways for social and cultural integration. We are dedicated to welcoming users of all ages from our partner communities to benefit from our project, whether it be as a first step towards employability or as a complementary course to their existing career path. Join us on this journey to empower individuals and foster greater opportunities for integration and success!

Asociación Building Bridges is a dynamic organization dedicated to fostering social cohesion and opportunity through European projects and programs. With a focus on bridging digital and employability gaps between diverse communities of young adults and adults, we strive to create inclusive online and offline environments where individuals can thrive and contribute meaningfully to society. Through collaboration, education, and empowerment, we build bridges that connect people, ideas, and resources, ultimately paving the way for a more cohesive and prosperous future for all.

Ltd. infinity centrum is the only linguistic company that provides its services  in the easternmost part of the Czech republic, in Jablunkov region.
The role of the  linguistic company in the community is to empower individuals with the linguistic, pedagogical and methodology skills necessary for personal and professional growth, fostering cultural understanding and international collaboration.
Through the courses tailored to the specific needs of the community such as pupils, students, teachers, lecturers, adults, job seekers, seniors, the company promotes inclusivity and social cohesion by breaking down language barriers and fostering mutual respect and understanding among different groups with a high focus to increase language, IT, methodology skills and competences.  through the interpretation of the  cultural and natural heritage  of the Beskydy mountains.
Beyond linguistic education, infinity centrum serves as a cultural ambassador, offering insights into the cultural and natural heritage of the Beskydy mountains when making  its own tailoring learning materials. By incorporating the cultural and natural heritage of the Beskydy region into language courses, the company helps preserve and promote local traditions, customs, folklore, and natural landmarks. This contributes to the preservation of the region's identity and heritage for future generations.
Ltd. infinity centrum leverages technology and innovativeteaching methods to make languagelearning more accessible and engaging for learners of all ages and backgrounds, fostering lifelong learning within the community.

Co-Funded by the European Union

“Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”

Digital tools are no longer an advantage, they are a necessity. The Digital Booster experience will help you gain basic knowledge on advanced concepts which will help you to easily enter the labour force of your choice.

Methodologically, our approach is to allow you to choose at what level you want to come into our course, in order to impact the areas you feel you can improve on. 

Remember: YOU and your journey to employment are the most important part of this course

Giving you the material and ensuring that  it is easy to navigate and understand is our priority. The possibilities of what you can do with this knowledge are endless and are entirely up to you. 

Do you want to take part of the project?


X hours

No limits in access

With e-certificate

Two countries, one big idea

The Partners

The partnership is comprised of the Community of Gagnef and Asociación Building Bridges. The partnership is deeply committed and passionate about digitalization of people in order to guarantee access to better employment for all. 

This project is not merely about learning the basics of digital tools or mastering social media. It is about fostering a deep understanding of personal branding, and the profound impact it can have on our professional lives. It is about equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed to craft a strong digital presence that resonates with authenticity and professionalism.


Unlimited Access

Go at you own pace, in your own time!


Expert Teachers

High quality content from subject matter experts from across Europe.


Free Course

100% free content!

Our Teachers

Observation is the first and most powerful step towards changing teaching practices. Daily observation reveals a wealth of information about students, their competencies and skills, and the work of the teacher.


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